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Managing team members should be easy. Using KnowledgeTeam you can easily set roles to control who on your team can access what. Easily manage provisioning of Apps, accounts, logins, projects, permissions, and more by various user characteristics that can be manually set, collected, or imported.

Using KnowledgeTeam, workspace members can also share entire accounts or projects, including all related information across 3rd party Apps that comprise those accounts or projects. In this way, KnowledgeTeam empowers you to avoid using or sharing passwords for several 3rd-party apps, instead opting to share the underlying information and giving your team the ability to interact with and respond to that.

We are a small team that is working very hard to build out this vision, and we can't do it all at once. Therefore, we are currently restricting access to the features related to team management. If you would like to learn more about KnowledgeTeam, test some of its features, or otherwise want to get involved (e.g., talking us through your use case), please fill out the form below, contact us, join our Discord, and/or follow us on Twitter / LinkedIn.

Mock up image of settings to help manage workspace members through role provisioning

An illustration of a man standing in front of a phone that is showing a form and an envelope.

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